Daisy : The Video Capture Library of the LV-SDS
Daisy is a Software Development Kit for programmers who want to integrate
PCI Frame Grabbers into their own applications.
- C++ Class library (16bit DLL) for Windows 3.x and Windows 95
- C++ Class library (32bit DLL) for Windows NT4.0
- Supports Borland C++ 5.x for both Daisy 16bit and 32bit
- Supports Microsoft Visual C++ 1.5x for Daisy 16bit
- Supports Microsoft Visual C++ 4.x for Daisy 32bit
- Realtime video capture supported
- Twain driver included
- Camera Editor to define non standard cameras
- Plug and Play connector handling
- Reference Manual as Windows Help file and printable Word file
- Automatic firmware update included in library
General Description
Camera configuration
Predefined setting of camera configurations for the most popular cameras are available.
A camera definition is composed out of other predefined settings which are
SYNCHRONISATION. Each of these items is composed by specific settings, which can be
adapted by the programmer. Like this, a user can compose his own camera setting for
special cameras.
Leutron Vision offers a Camera Editor which assists you in defining your own cameras.
The Camera Editor produces a datafile with the detailed camera description.
Daisy itself will read during startup this camera description and set the
hardware according to the definitions.
Camera connection and activation
Depending on the camera cable and the actual Hardware, several cameras can be
connected to the Framegrabber at the same time. There are functions available
to control the proper use of the available physical connectors and for activating
one of the connected cameras.
Video input parameters
Depending on the COLOR CODING, the following items can be set:
- Brightness
- Contrast
- Hue
- Saturation
- InputLut
For all cameras the following items can be set:
- Mirror
- Scaling or Clipping
Region of Interest configuration (ROI)
The coordinates of the live video image and its pixeldepths on screen can be defined
trough the ROI class. The ROI handling covers the whole video memory area,
therefore an image may be acquired in the off screen area too.
The Windows API covers only the on screen area of the video memory,
the ROI class offers a possibilty for the user to access images outside
the memory controlled by Windows.
Utility functions
- Automatic palette handling for greyscale images (display set 256 colors)
- Synchronisation to camera or monitor timing
- Optocoupler control
- Version control of the library
- Automatic firmware update
Class Overview
LvCPUWindow |
about video memory |
LvCameraInfo |
data for cameras |
LvCameraNode |
any input equipment |
LvCameraSignal |
signal definition |
LvCameraTiming |
data for cameras |
LvConnectionInfo |
about connectors |
LvConnector |
a connector for an external device |
LvGrabberNode |
a video grabber installed in the system. |
LvLockMask |
mask info |
LvMemInfo |
about video memory |
LvMonitorNode |
any output equipment |
the Region Of Interest |
LvROIInfo |
structure for ROI |
LvSourceInfo |
Region of interest |
LvCameraNodeObjects belonging to the LvCameraNode class represent the input
equipment used to transfer in the video memory images from the outer world.
Activate |
Activates the camera |
Freeze |
Puts the camera in 'freeze' mode |
GetBrightness |
Retrieves the actual Brightness level |
GetContrast |
Retrieves the actual contrast level |
GetHandle |
Gets the handle associated with the camera
object |
GetHue |
Retrieves the actual Hue level |
GetSaturation |
Retrieves the actual Saturation level |
GetSourceROI |
Retrieves the actual area of interest |
GetVideoTimingType |
Retrieves the Camera timing type |
GetVideoType |
Retrieves the Camera type |
IsConnected |
Checks if the camera is connected |
IsLive |
Determines if the camera is in live mode |
Live |
Puts the camera in 'live' mode |
LoadLUT |
Load the input Look Up Table |
SetBrightness |
Sets the Brightness level |
SetContrast |
Sets the contrast level |
SetHue |
Sets the Hue level |
SetMirrorType |
Set the mirroring type for the incoming image |
SetSaturation |
Sets the Saturation level |
SetSourceROI |
Retrieves the actual area of interest |
WaitSync |
Waits a synchronization signal on the
selected input |
LvConnectorEach Camera can be connected to the grabber through an Input Connector;
depending on the type of connector used, it will be possible to connect to the
grabber a different number of camera types.
Each available connector is represented by a Handle, that uniquely identifies
the connector in the system; the user application, when connecting input devices
should specify where the equipment will be physically connected in order to allow
Daisy to perform the correct settings.
FreeConnector |
Frees the specified connector |
GetConnectorInfo |
Returns informtion about the connector
associated with the specified HCONNECTION |
GetFreeInfo |
Returns information about the actually free
connectors |
GetNrFree |
Returns the number of free connector
for a given video type |
LvGrabberNodeObjects belonging to the LvGrabberNode class represent a video
grabber installed in the system.
More than one grabber can be installed in the system, Daisy will provide
different LvGrabberNode objects and each of them will act only on the physical
board it represents.
Handles and connections
External equipment, like monitors and cameras, can be connected to a grabber;
in its base concept a grabber supports more than one input and more than one
output connections; so, in order to ask Daisy to operate on the correct
equipment an application has to use Handles.
All the handles representing external equipment are of type HCONNECTION;
for easier code readibility are also defined the HCAMERA and HMONITOR typedefs.
Through a handle the application can still have a reference to the object it
represents, so it can directly use its interface.
More than one monitor could be connected to the hardware, of course if the hardware
itself can support them; the actual implementation of the hardware can support
only one monitor connection, so these methods are kept for future use;
to maintain future compatibility also the user application are recommended to
use the query methods instead of assuming a one-monitor system.
Actually Daisy takes care of connecting the monitor and of activating it during
its initialization, so the application has not to deal with this system setting.
Input Connectors
In order to allow the end user to choose the input where the Camera will be
connected to, Daisy offers query methods to retrieve data about the connectors
still free in the system; these information can be then presented to the end user
that will choose the desired input; the connector descriptor maintains also a
ASCII string that will match the description on the physical cable
(i.e RGB1, YC_C1 and so on).
The LvGrabberNode allows the user application to connect a Camera to the grabber,
activate or deactivate it. Each camera is represented in Daisy by a Handle that
uniquely identifies it in the system; the user can use this handle to refer to
a specific input equipment when accessing other grabber methods. Knowing its handle,
a user application can retrieve a pointer to each LvCameraNode object.
ActivateCamera |
Activates a previously connected
camera. |
ActivateMonitor |
Activates a previously connected
monitor. |
ActivateROI |
Moves the region of interest. |
ConnectCamera |
Connects an input equipment to
the grabber. |
ConnectMonitor |
Connects an output equipment to
the grabber. |
DeactivateCamera |
Deactivates a previously
connected and actiivated camera. |
DisableVMemAccess |
Restores the grabber status after
a direct video memory access. |
DisconnectCamera |
Disconnects a previously
connected camera. |
EnableVMemAccess |
Prepares the grabber memory to be
directly accessed by user application. |
GetCameraPtr |
Gets a pointer to the specified
camera object. |
GetConnectedCamera |
Retrieves the handles of the
input equipments currently connected. |
GetConnectedMonitor |
Retrieves the handles of the
output equipments currently connected. |
GetConnectionInfo |
Retrieves information about a
connection (camera or monitor) |
GetConnectorName |
Retrieves the name of the
connector where a camera is connected |
GetConnectorType |
Retrieves the connector type
detected on the grabber. |
GetDeviceInfo |
Retrieves information about the
associated grabber |
GetFreeConnectorInfo |
Retrieves information about free
input connectors. |
GetMonitorPtr |
Gets a pointer to the specified
monitor object. |
GetNrConnectedCamera |
Retrieves the number of input
equipment currently connected. |
GetNrConnectedMonitor |
Retrieves the number of the
connected monitors. |
GetNrFreeConnector |
Retrieves the number of free
input connectors. |
LoadOutGreyScale |
Loads the output grey palette. |
LoadOutPalette |
Loads the specified output
palette. |
RecheckConnector |
Perform the connector recognition
procedure after startup. |
RetrieveROI |
Retrieves the content of the
defined region of interest. |
SaveOutPalette |
Saves the currently set output
palette. |
SetScaleMode |
Sets the scale mode used for a
camera. |
SetVGAMode |
Sets the specified VGA mode |
StoreROI |
Retrieves the content of the
defined region of interest. |
UpdateLockMask |
Updates the lock mask for the
specified camera |
LvROIA Region Of Interest, also called ROI, is a rectangular part of video
memory formatted with a specific color coding, that can be different from the
actual output formatting, depending on the use the application wants to do of this
memory; for example,
an incoming image is placed in a ROI and also the output screen is a ROI.
The user application can retrieve from Daisy information about the ROI currently active,
those related with external equipment connected to the grabber, so that it can access
that part of memory interpreting in the right way the data stored in it.
A ROI is defined by its position in the Video memory, by its dimensions and by the
color coding used to generate it. A user application can generate and use its own ROI,
in order to store in the Video Memory application related data.
A ROI is defined in the system by the LvROIInfo structure; since exists a strict
relationship among the content of its fields, Daisy provides the LvROI class that can
be used by the application to manage the LvROIInfo data in order to be sure that the
content of their fields is coherent. All the LvROIInfo attributes remain 'public', so
that the reading access to them can be a little bit faster, but the user application
is strongly recommended to use the methods provided by LvROI to set those attributes in
order to have them coherent.
GetArea |
Retrieves the actual dimension of a ROI |
SetMemoryWidth |
Specifies the width of the physical memory |
SetHResolution |
Specifies the width of the display memory |
SetColorFormat |
Sets the color format which the roi
represents |
SetDimension |
Sets roi dimension |
SetStartPosition |
Sets the start position of the roi in the
memory |
SetLockMask |
Set Lock mask properties for the ROI |
SetROIInfo |
Sets the content of the ROI |
DirectCapture, the Video Capture Library
DirectCapture is a Software Development Kit for programmers who want to
integrate Leutron Vision PCI Frame Grabbers into their own applications.
- C library (32bit DLL) for Windows NT4.0 and Windows 95
- implemented with Microsoft's Direct Draw
- language independent
- sample code for Microsoft Visual C, Visual Basic, Borland C and Delphi
- Realtime video capture supported
- Camera Editor to define non standard cameras
- Plug and Play connector handling
- Reference Manual as Windows Help file and printable Word file
- Automatic firmware update included in library
General Description
DirectCapture is a language independent software library for the control of
Leutron Vision image processing boards. DirectCapture is a marriage of Leutron's
hardware related DAISY software library and Microsoft's Direct Draw with the goal
of simplifying the development of user applications.
DirectCapture uses a window paradigm to facilitate the control of the image processing
boards. The library allows the creation of On Screen Window and Off Screen Window
objects. The On Screen Window objects enable the display of live video on the desktop
from the image processing boards with scaling, clipping, mirroring, and overlaid text
and graphics. The Off Screen Window objects provide many of these features while
directing the video stream directly to system memory instead of the windows desktop.
On Screen Windows
The On Screen Window object is provided for the display of live video on the
Widows NT desktop. The On Screen Window objects is created by passing the
handle (HWND) of a Windows NT window into the LvDcCreateOnScreenWin function.
DirectCapture takes the Windows NT window handle and subclasses it to take control
of the window. Subclassing is the technique where by all windows message generated
for a window will now be handled by the software which subclassed the window, in
effect taking over control of the window. The LvDcCreateOnScreenWin will pass back
a handle (HDCVIDEOWIN ) of the newly created On Screen Window object. This handle
must be used in all future to calls to the DirectCapture library to manipulate the
On Screen Window.
Off Screen Windows
The Off Screen Window object is provided to direct live video to system memory.
The Off Screen Window Object is created by calling the LvDcCreateOffScreenWin function
which will pass back a handle to the newly created window (HDCVIDEOWIN). Like the On
Screen Windows all function calls which manipulate the Off Screen Window require the
handle returned from the create call.
DirectCapture Components
DirectCapture consists of two separate DLL's, the DSYCTL.DLL and the CAMDLG.DLL.
The DSYCTL.DLL contains all the functions for creating and using the On and Off
Screen Window objects and the CAMDLG.DLL contains the routines to select grabbers
and cameras to connect to the window objects. The C source code for the CAMDLG.DLL
library is provided so that the users can customize the dialog as they wish.
Camera configuration
Predefined setting of camera configurations for the most popular cameras are
available.Leutron Vision offers a Camera Editor which assists you in defining your
own cameras. The Camera Editor produces a datafile with the detailed camera description.
DirectCapture itself will read during startup this camera description and set the
hardware according to the definitions.
Function Overview
The following is a list of features that are supported by the On and Off Screen
windows and a description of each.
- Scaling
Both the On and Off Screen Windows support scaling. When scaling is enabled the cameras
field of view will be scaled to fit the size of the window on screen or in memory.
For example, if the size of the window is set to 150 x 150 pixels and a video source
with a field of view of 576 x 452 is being used the entire image will be scaled down
to 150 x 150 for display or capture.
- Clipping
Both the On and Off Screen Windows support clipping.With clipping only the portion of
the video that will fit within the size of window will be displayed or captured
to memory. For example, if the size of the widow is set to 150 x 150 pixels and a
video source with a field of view of 576 x 452 is being used only a 150 x 150 pixel
window will be displayed or captured.
- Mirroring
Both the On and Off Screen Windows support mirroring along the vertical, horizontal
or both axis.
- Overlay Text
The On Screen Window supports overlaid text.Overlaid text allows the user to
overlay individual character strings on the live video. The font, size, color and
position of the character string can be specified and changed through the
DirectCapture library.
- User Masks
Both the On and Off Screen Windows support user masks. A user mask is a one bit
plane deep bit map that can be overlaid on the video. The mask can be created and
manipulated via standard WIN32 function calls. Also the user can specify that the
mask should be stretched to match the size of the video.
- Copy to Clipboard
Both window types support the copying of the video to the Window NT clipboard.
For On Screen windows when the image is copied to the clipboard the current video card
image format is used to determine the format of the image, i.e. when the desktop is at
1280 x 1024 by 8 bits the image will be copied to the clipboard in 8bit color format.
For off screen windows the format of the image copied to the clipboard can be set
using the LvDcSetColorFormat function. If there is a user mask set and enabled for
either window it will also be copied to the clipboard. Currently overlaid text is not
copied to the clipboard.
- Get Image As Bitmap
Both windows support the retrieval of the video as a windows BMP. In the case of
the On Screen Windows the color format of the BMP will match the current Windows NT
desktop setting. For Off Screen Windows the format of the image retrieved can be set
using the LvDcSetColorFormat function. As with LvDcCopyToClipboard any user mask that
has been enabled will be copied but overlaid text will not.
- Adjusting Picture Controls
Both windows support the adjustment of brightness, contrast, hue and saturation.
- Events and Triggers
On Screen Window objects can be configured to respond to Windows NT user interface
actions and Off Screen Window objects can be configured to trigger on certain On
Screen Widow actions.
On Screen Window objects can be configured to enter the live video mode when the
video window receives the desktop focus or only when it is the top most window.
Like wise it can be configured to freeze the video when it loses focus or is covered
by other windows. Also Off Screen Windows can be configured to go into live mode after
an On Screen Window freeze.
- Window Association
Off Screen Window objects can be associated with On Screen Window objects. This allows
a Off Screen Window to be configured to track the resize mode, color format, mirror
mode, live state, and freeze state of a selected On Screen Window . This will give the
user the ability to have the video in system memory track the on screen video as
closely as possible.
