MultiCam driver for EureCards integration
Multiple boards, multiple cameras
Full driver control
Seamless acquisition control
Powerful multiple buffering

Understand the MultiCam concepts
Powerful multiple buffering
Triggering modes



The EasyMultiCam library is a collection of classes derived from the eVision image classes. EasyMultiCam is the link between eVision and the MultiCam driver.

MultiCam is the name given to the software layer enabling the operation of any Euresys frame grabber or frame processor. MultiCam provides an efficient and easy-to-use abstraction layer of the hardware functionality. MultiCam allows defining channels linking cameras to buffers in the PC memory. EasyMultiCam allows different protected cluster modes ensuring the inalterability of processed images. A cluster is a set of image buffers related to the same camera.

EasyMultiCam also manages different trigger modes (hardware, software, consecutive, repeat, combined and same).