無人駕駛飛行載具 [Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)]

1. 飛行載具 (Arcturus公司  T-15, T-16 飛機)

2. 彈射系統 (發射架)

3. 貫性導航設備[ Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU)]:

陀螺儀, 加速計, 電子羅盤, 速度計, 溫濕度計, 衛星定位系統

4. 影像無線傳輸(Video RF Link): 熱像儀, 紅外線攝影機, 高解析度攝影機

5. 飛行控制電腦 (PC/104電腦, 垂直起降控制電腦, DSP控制電腦, Flash Disk)

6. 週邊測距, 感應元件 (雷射, 超音波, 紅外線 距離感測計)

飛行載具 (Arcturus 公司  T-15 飛機)












UAV使用 Cloud Cap Technology公司的自動導航系統 ( Piccolo Plus Auto Pilot)

T-15 飛機  引擎   Engines

Honda GX-50 50 cc 4-stroke (50cc 四行程)

機翼寬        Wing span


機翼面積    Wing area

1440 square in.

長度            Length


最大重量    Max Weight

45 lbs

淨重           Dry Weight

28 lbs .

最高速度    Max speed

90 knots

巡航速度    Cruise speed

50 knots

失速速度    Stall speed

27 knots

載重     Payload capacity

10 lbs .

續航時間    Endurance

12 + hours

彈射系統 (發射架 1)

 彈射系統 (發射架 2)




飛行載具 (Arcturus公司  T-16 飛機)


T-16  (應用於監測, 遙測, 通訊)

T-16 Capabilities:

·             Extended Endurance for High Persistence Missions

·             large Internal Bay for Complex Mission Payloads

·             Electro-Optical & IR Cameras

·             large Generator for Active Payloads

·             Trailer Mounted or Portable Catapult launcher

·             Completely Autonomous Operation: launch/ Cruise/ land

·             low Stall/High Dash Speeds for Flexible Surveillance

·             Piccolo II Autopilot & Ground Station

·             Fuel-in-the-Wings for Full Access Payload Mounting

·             Analog or Digital Video Transmission Capability

·             Rugged & Durable Airframe - Tested in Rain/Wind/Hail


T-16飛機 機翼長度


機翼面積           Wing Area

1850 sq in.

長度                  Lenght


引擎                  Engine

Honda 50cc 4-stroke

淨重                 Dry Weight

36 lbs

最大重量          Max Weight

Up to 65 lbs

最高速度          Max Speed

80 Knots

巡航速度          Cruise Speed

50 Knots

續航力            Endurance

16 hrs with 12 lbs , non protruding payload

載重          Payload Capacity

Up to 18 lbs





Cloud Cap Technology公司 貫性導航設備[ Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU)]: 

Crista Inertial Measurement Unit
CCT Part Number - 900-00458-00

The Crista Inertial Measurement Unit is a very small three axis inertial sensor that provides high resolution digital rate and acceleration data via serial interfaces. It uses MEMS gyroscopic rate sensors and accelerometers mounted on orthogonal axes to provide 300 º /sec rate and 10G acceleration data.

The Crista IMU does not provide a calculated attitude solution, but rather provides temperature compensated raw rate and acceleration data for the host algorithms. The user controls data update rate and over-sample averaging of output data. A GPS Pulse Per Second input signal interface allows time correlation of IMU and GPS data.

Key Features:

  • Small (2” x 1.5” x 1”, 37g )
  • 3 Axis Sensing, 300 deg/sec., 10G
  • < 1% scale factor, <0.2% FS bias error over temperature
  • -40C - +80C Calibrated Temperature Compensation
  • GPS PPS input for data time stamping
  • RS232 and CAN interfaces
  • Output data rates >200 Hz, internal sample rates > 1 KHz user selectable
Crista Inertial Measurement Unit


Download the Crista IMU Interface / Operation document
See the Crista Export Facts document for IMU export regulations.
Available as an OEM Sensor Head. See the Sensor Head product page.
The Crista IMU Serial Developers Kit (p/n 900-90006-00) contains an IMU, a bench test harness, serial cable, and CD-ROM that contains documentation and software test and demo tools.

Crista IMU Specifications

Range: (note 1) ±300 °/sec 
Scale Factor Error: (note 2) < 3 °/sec 

In-Run Bias Error:
Fixed Temperature:
Over Temperature: 

< 0.2 °/sec
< 0.6 °/sec (unit warmed up)
Turn-on to Turn-on Bias:  < 0.75 °/sec 
Linear Acceleration Effects: 0.2 °/sec / G typical : 1.5 °/sec/G max uncorrected
Noise 1s, no oversamples < ±0.7°/sec 
Cross Axis Rate Error: (note 3) 2.6% uncorrected
A/D Measurement Resolution: 0.0155 °/sec
Converted Data Rate Resolution: 0.009 °/sec (max output rate = 300 °/sec)
Bandwidth: 2nd order filter.  Fc=100Hz
Range:  ±10 G
Scale Factor Error: < 100 mG (0.98 m/s²)

In-Run Bias Error:
Fixed Temperature:
Over Temperature: 

< 25 mG (0.245 m/s²)
< 51 mG (0.500 m/s²)
Turn-on to Turn-on Bias:  < 30 mG (0.295 m/s²)
Noise 1s, no oversamples < ±12 mG (0.120 m/s 2) 
Cross Axis Rate Error: (note 3) 2.6 % uncorrected
A/D Measurement Resolution: 0.62 mG
Converted Data Rate Resolution: 0.30 mG (max output rate = 10 G)
Bandwidth: Simple RC LPF. Fc=100 Hz
Serial Interface Options: RS232 and CAN
Data Output Rate: > 200 Hz User settable
Internal A/D Sample Rate: > 1 KHz.
Vin 4.4 - 8 Volts (designed for battery power)

Lin (max)
143ma @ 5 Volts (0.72W)
110ma @ 5 Volts (0.55W)

Size: 2.05” x 1.55” x 1.00” (1.35” x 1.50” x 0.80” without enclosure)
Weight: 37 grams (1.3 oz) (18.8 grams (0.7 oz) without enclosure)
Operating Temperature: -40C to +80C Calibrated Temperature Range
Storage Temperature: -60C to +100C 
Max Acceleration: 500g


  1. Higher rate ranges are possible. Other specs may change. Call for information.
  2. Room ambient specification. Nonlinearity from best fit straight line. Typically much better at lower rates/accelerations.
  3. Includes alignment and effect of off axis acceleration.

A Low-Cost Stabilized Camera Gimbal
CCT Part Number - 900-90012-00

Recent technological advances in both autopilots and engines have made the long overdue promise of small, low-cost UAVs a reality. UAV integrators now need a compact, off the shelf, lightweight, and low-cost stabilized PTZ Gimbal.

To address this need, Cloud Cap Technology has developed the TASE Gimbal. This work is an extension of our very successful work on the Piccolo autopilots leveraging off Cloud Cap’s existing hardware and software development expertise and production capability.

Key Features:

  • 4.4 inch diameter turret. Overall package size is 5 x 4.4 x 7 inches. Weight 900 g (including Sony daylight camera).
  • Includes inertial sensors and GPS receiver for standalone operation. Control and stabilization implementation leverages off of the Piccolo autopilot design.
  • Sized to accommodate the popular Sony FCB-EX series block cameras, TASE supports:
    • Sony FCB-EX480C (default option, 18x zoom)
    • Sony FCB-EX980S and FCB-EX780BP
    • FLIR / Indigo Photon Core Infrared camera. 320x 160, 35mm (20° HFOV)
    • Goodrich SU320KTX SWIR camera
    • Other options and combinations possible - please call to discuss
    TASE - a low cost stabilized camera gimbal for UAV's
  • Novel design minimizes the rotating mass and turret size.
  • Includes FREE communications specification and software developer’s kit.
  • Gimbal developers kit provides bench test cables, USB joystick, video card, and basic gimbal control software.

Performance Specifications:

  • Field of view: Continuous pan; Tilt: + 23° / -203°
  • 200°/sec slew rate
  • 0.05° pointing resolution
Video Clips from our flight tests are posted at http://www.cloudcaptech.com/download/Gimbal/
Additional mechanical drawings of TASE Gimbal are located at http://www.cloudcaptech.com/download/Gimbal/MechanicalDrawings/


TASE Gimbal - Dimensioned 3-View Drawing - Click for larger view.
TASE Gimbal - Dimensioned 3-view Drawing -- Click to Enlarge